Student Information Service user guide

Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 30 Jul 2024

This guide will help you to use the Student Information Service (SIS), available through the HE Gateway. This page lists the chapters in each section of the guide. 


What is the Student Information Service?

An introduction to the Student Information Service and what it is used for.
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Getting started

How you can access SIS.
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SIS access and user roles

An overview of the access rights and roles you need to use SIS.
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Information for academic staff

Information about undergraduate finance for academic staff.
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Student information

Student Information Home

An overview of the Student Information Home section.
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View student information

How to view student information in SIS.
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Student search

How to search for students in SIS.
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Course search

How to search for courses in SIS.
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General search

How to carry out a general search in SIS.
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Filter and display results

How to filter and display your search results.
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Filter and export results

How to filter and export your search results.
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Exporting files into Microsoft Excel

How to export files into Microsoft Excel.
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View detailed student information

How to view detailed student information.
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Detailed student information – general details

Where to find general details about students you are searching.
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Detailed student information – personal information

Covers what personal information you can search for.
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Detailed student information – course information

Details what course information you can search for.
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Detailed student information – other information

Find out what other information you can search for.
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Detailed student information – actions

Covers the actions you can take from the Detailed Student Information page.
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Confirming registration from the Detailed Student Information page

How to confirm registration from the Detailed Student Information page.
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Confirming attendance from the Detailed Student Information page

How to confirm attendance from the Detailed Student Information page.
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Detailed student information history

How to view changes that have been made to a student's record.
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Registration history

How to see historic registration details.
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Attendance history

How to see historic attendance details.
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Change of Circumstance history

How to view historic Change of Circumstance notifications.
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Registration confirmation

Registration confirmation

Explains what registration confirmation is and why it's needed.
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What else does registration confirm?

What else does registration confirm depending on the loan product?
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Registration Home

An introduction to the Registration Home page.
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Registration worklist

A description of the Registration Worklist page.
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Registration confirmation export

How to submit registration confirmations in bulk.
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Registration confirmation import

How to import bulk registrations.
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Registration import results

How to view the results of a bulk registration import.
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Manual registration

How to submit a manual registration.
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View manual registrations

How to view manual registrations.
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Manual registration search results

Explains the results of a manual registration search.
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Combined registration and attendance worklist

Combined registration and attendance worklist

How to use the combined worklist to submit registration and attendance.
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Combined Home

An overview of the Combined Home page.
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Combined worklist

An introduction to the combined worklist.
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Combined worklist export

How to export registration and attendance for bulk confirmation using the combined worklist.
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Combined worklist import

How to import bulk registration and attendance confirmations from the combined worklist.
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Attendance confirmation

Confirming ongoing attendance

How to confirm ongoing attendance.
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Attendance code definitions

An overview of the attendance codes on SIS.
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Attendance Home

An introduction to the Attendance Home page.
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Attendance worklist

An introduction to the attendance worklist.
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Manual attendance confirmations

How to confirm attendance manually.
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Checking for previous attendance confirmations

How to check for previous attendance confirmations.
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Attendance worklist export

How to export the attendance worklist for bulk confirmation.
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Attendance worklist import

How to import the attendance worklist for bulk confirmation.
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Attendance worklist import – file validation

A description of the file validation that happens when you import the attendance worklist.
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Attendance worklist import – format and business rule validation

A description of the detailed format and business rule validation of the attendance worklist import.
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Attendance confirmation import results

How to view the attendance confirmation import results.
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Negative attendance confirmation

Negative attendance confirmation and attendance codes.
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Cooling-off period – attendance

An explanation of the cooling-off period used in attendance submission.
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Attendance Management guidance

An explanation of the attendance management policies and practices that apply to providers in England, Scotland and Wales.
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Change of circumstances

Change of Circumstance notifications

An introduction to Change of Circumstance notifications.
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CoC status definitions

CoC status definitions and what they mean
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Transfer CoC reason codes

An explanation of the reason codes used for Transfer CoCs.
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Pre-liability Transfer CoC for application corrections

Details of pre-liability Transfer CoCs and how to create them.
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Post-liability Transfer CoC for application corrections

Details of post-liability Transfer CoCs and how to create them.
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Internal Transfer CoC

How to create an internal transfer CoC notification.
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Transfer In CoC

How to create a Transfer In CoC notification.
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Full-time Fee Change CoC

How to use a Fee Change CoC to tell us about an incorrect fee amount for full-time students.
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Part-time Fee Change CoC

How to submit a Fee Change CoC for part-time students.
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Full-time course on a part-time basis

How to submit a Fee Change CoC for a full-time student who will do some of their course on a part-time basis.
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Mode switchers

How to use a Fee CoC to tell us that a student has changed study mode.
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Childcare Grant extension CoC

How to submit a Childcare Grant extension CoC.
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Course extension CoC

How to to submit a Fee CoC to extend a student’s course.
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Early completion of studies

How to submit a Fee CoC for early completion of studies.
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External resit

How to submit a CoC notification if a student's graduation date changes.
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Withdrawal CoC reason codes

An explanation of the reason codes used for Withdrawal CoCs.
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Withdrawal CoC

How to tell us a student is withdrawing from their course.
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Suspension CoC

How submit a Suspension CoC.
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Resumption CoC

How to submit a Resumption CoC.
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Repetition CoC

How to submit a Repetition CoC.
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Credit CoC

How to submit a Credit CoC.
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CoC csv import

How to upload CoC notifications in bulk.
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View CoC import results

How to view imported CoC results.
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Postgraduate change of circumstances

An overview of the postgraduate CoCs where the submission process differs from undergraduate CoCs.
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CoC due to Ukrainian conflict

Steps to take to help students affected by the Ukrainian conflict
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CoC worklist

How to use the CoC worklist.
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CoC submission report

How to view the CoC submission report.
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Financial reporting

Financial reporting

An introduction to the financial reporting section of SIS.
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Tuition fee balance report

How to view the tuition fee balance report.
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Tuition fee forecast report

How to view the tuition fee forecast report.
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Tuition fee remittance report

How to view the tuition fee remittance report.
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Blocked maintenance payments report

How to view the blocked maintenance payment report.
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Outstanding online declaration report

How to view the outstanding online declaration report.
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Negative balance report

How to view the negative balance report.
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Data retention

Targeted bulk erasure of data

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Higher Education Short Courses

This section covers the Higher Education Short Courses trial running from 1 September 2022 until 31 August 2025.

Higher Education Short Courses

An introduction to using SIS for Higher Education Short Courses.
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SIS access and user roles

An overview of the access and user roles you need to use SIS for Higher Education Short Courses.
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SIS Home page

How to view short course applications and financial reports from the SIS Home page.
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View student information

How to view student information for higher education short course students.
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Application search results

How to view application search results.
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Attendance confirmations

Confirming attendance on higher education short courses
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Change of Circumstance and Correction notifications

How to submit Change of Circumstance and Correction notifications
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Financial reports

Financial reports available for short courses.
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