Published: 13/03/2024
Academic year 2024/25 full-time undergraduate student finance applications are now open
It's time for new and continuing full-time undergraduate students from England, Northern Ireland and Wales to apply for student finance for academic year 2024/25.
We’re encouraging students to apply now to make sure their funding is in place for the start of their course. We’re also reminding them that if they’ve got exams coming up, if they get their applications in now, they can focus on their studies.
A significant message for students who might be putting off applying until they’ve got confirmed offers is:
Don’t wait until you’ve got your UCAS offer. Apply now using your preferred choice and you can change it later if you need to.
We’ve created some helpful lists to share with students:
Our toolkit lets students know what they need to do so they’ve got everything they need to apply.
The timeline gives students key dates, including deadline dates for student finance applications.
We’ve updated our Student Finance Wales website to help students find out what they need to know about student finance, including deadline dates for student finance applications.
Key changes
“EU Student”, “UK Student” and “Welsh Student” across all domiciles has been updated.
- “EU Student” is now referred to as “Tuition fee only student”
- “UK Student” and “Welsh Student” are now referred to as “Tuition fee and living cost student”
It’s important that you know about the change to help students self-identify when re-applying for their funding.