Published: 30/06/2022 · Last Updated: 30/06/2022

HEP bulletin – June 2022

Registration and attendance confirmations

If you have any outstanding registration or attendance confirmations for academic year 2021/22, please submit them now. You should follow up all registrations with appropriate attendance confirmations. You should have no students who are registered but have terms without an attendance code.

You should also clear your Change of Circumstance (CoC) worklists to ensure all non-attendance codes are followed up correctly.

Please check your attendance worklists for any outstanding confirmations from previous years, too. It may be the case that students will come back onto your list after we've reassessed them. If the reassessment details are correct, you should reconfirm their attendance in acceptance of the change. This will let us claw back any outstanding recoveries. If the details are not correct, you should submit a further CoC.

Please continue to prioritise these actions to minimise overpayments.

Courses Management Service

If you're expecting students on a postgraduate course to return for academic year 2022/23, you must roll over your postgraduate courses. This is so we can assess returning students and ensure they receive their funding.

Higher education provider mergers

It is important that you let your HEP Account Manager know if your organisation is, or will be, merging with another new or existing organisation.

We'll ask you to confirm information about the merger. This will include HEP codes, dates of the merger and notification dates to the Office for Students and the Department for Education. We'll then make sure students attending new merged organisations continue to receive funding.

Please let your HEP Account Manager know as soon as you're aware of the merger.

SIS default year updates — academic year 2022/23

Each year in July or August, we update the default year in SIS. This means the default year will change from the current academic year to the upcoming one. This is because most new actions will be for the upcoming academic year accounts.

We'll make the change from academic year 2021/22 to 2022/23 on Thursday 30 June. Please let all staff that use SIS know, so they can ensure they're working against the correct year.

SIS negative balance reports

We've updated the guidance about negative balance reports in SIS. It now sets out the purpose and limitations of the report.

Bursary Administration Service enhancement

We recently sent out an email about an enhancement to the Bursary Administration Service. This will involve the automatic rollover of automated and manual awards from academic year 2021/22 to 2022/23. It will also include a new functionality allowing you to delete awards.

We're now working on a second enhancement. This will allow you to identify estranged students in the search function and when creating rules.

We'll deploy both of these enhancements during the week commencing 4 July. We'll let you know when the deployments are confirmed.

If you've started to roll over awards for academic year 2022/23, you'll need to continue setting these up manually. For academic year 2023/24, this function will be available to all providers earlier in the year. Please use this opportunity to rationalise your awards and delete old awards that no longer generate eligible students.

New subscribers to the Bursary Administration Service are welcome at any time. There is no minimum number of students. Please contact your HEP Account Manager for more information.

Bursary Administration Service payments

If you had an active subscription last year, you'll have received an invoice in March. Thank you to those who have paid their invoice.

If you have not paid please arrange payment immediately to make sure you follow the terms of our agreement. For those not paying via direct debit, payment options are on the invoice.

Application data for academic year 2022/23 will not be available until you pay the annual subscription invoice. It is therefore important that you pay it as soon as possible.
