Published: 14/12/2022 · Last Updated: 14/12/2022
HEP bulletin - December 2022
Outstanding registration and attendance confirmations
It is important you clear down any outstanding registration confirmations, with an 'N' (not registered) code, if appropriate. This lets us know not to reserve loan funding for any students who are not in attendance and will not be registering this academic year.
All autumn term attendance confirmations must also submitted before the end of the year, and before the next liability point in February.
Please complete any outstanding Change of Circumstance (CoC) notifications from your worklist to ensure students accounts are up to date and accurate.
Course collection for academic year 2023/24
Course collection for academic year 2023/24 opened for all full-time undergraduate and Scottish postgraduate courses on 22 November. The deadline for updating these courses is 31 January 2023.
Please review our Courses Management Service guidance before you start submitting your courses. You can also view our Courses Management Service webinar.
During December we'll start course validation for full-time undergraduate courses. We check for any anomalies in fees, courses length and term dates by comparing courses against those submitted last year. Please reply to any emails about course collection as soon as possible.
The next group of courses to update will be undergraduate part-time courses. These will be available from February 2023 and the deadline is likely to be in April 2023.
Higher Technical Qualification courses
From academic year 2023/24, Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) are eligible for higher education student finance support. These are level 4 or 5 qualifications approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFATE).
HTQs can be existing Level 4 and 5 courses which are already eligible for higher education student finance (such as foundation degrees, DipHEs and HNDs). They can also be Level 4 and 5 courses which are not (such as courses funded by Advanced Learner Loans).
From academic year 2023/24 the UK Government intends for all designated HTQs to attract the same higher education student support as a designated higher education qualifications at Level 6.
BAS payments
If you do not use direct debit to pay your annual subscription invoice, we'll soon send a request for you to make payment. This means you'll pay in line with your contractual obligations and will also allow you to access your academic year 2023/24 student data.
Financial hardship process
We've been working to identify the common problems students have when applying for financial hardship support. This has resulted in us making improvements to the Financial Hardship Form and application process.
Student Finance England (SFE) and Student Finance Wales (SFW) students can now upload their Financial Hardship Form and evidence from their online account. We've also improved the layout of the form and updated guidance on evidence requirements and consenting to share. These improvements were also necessary to reduce the volume of applications that were ineligible or made with incorrect supporting evidence.
Postgraduate students applying for financial hardship support still need to return their Financial Hardship Form by post.
If you're supporting a student who is considering applying for financial hardship support, please ensure they're aware of the categories of support we can consider.
You can find more information on the financial hardship process and eligibility on the SFE practitioner website and SFW practitioner website.
SFE students can find further information on the dedicated financial hardship guidance page on GOV.UK and SFW students on the Student Finance Wales website.
Student Finance Northern Ireland (SNFI) students should contact their local SFNI office, and Scottish students should contact the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS).
Festive opening hours
Over the festive period, our opening hours are:
- Friday 23 December to Tuesday 27 December – closed
- Wednesday 28 December to Thursday 29 December – open 10am to 4pm
- Friday 30 December to Tuesday 3 January – closed
We return to business as usual on 4 January 2023.
Request for specific insight
As we look ahead to academic year 2023/24, we're keen to seek views and gather insight from you. Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey about sector assumptions and forecasts for next year.
Happy holidays from the Account Management team!
This year has been another year of change for us all, with hybrid working for many and the challenges that can bring. The Account Management team would like to thank you for your hard work and commitment to delivering our joint service. We hope you enjoy a well-earned break, and we look forward to working with you in the New Year!