Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024

Student information

Filter and export results

If you have HEI Student Information Advisor access, you can export the results of a student information search. You can do this directly from the filter without viewing the results first, or after viewing the results on screen.

  1. Go to the Student Information Filter page and select the Student Search, Course Search or General Search tab.

  2. Select the relevant filters, then select Filter and Export Results. This will search all student details in the system and retrieve those that match your criteria.

  3. Select the format for the export. You can choose between 3 formats:
    • Summary Student Information
    • Extended Student Information Export
    • Summary Student Registration Information Report
  1. Select the filename for the export and the location where you want to save it.

You can also select Filter and Display to see the search results on screen. If you do this, there will be an Export button on the results page. Select this to export the results after viewing them on screen. This will take you to the Export page where you can follow steps 3 and 4 to export the results.

Extended student information export files

Extended student information export files include additional fields.


Customer Reference Number

This is our unique identifier for the student.

Bank Details Held

This shows whether we hold bank details for the student (yes or no).

Attendance Status

This is the current attendance status of the student:

  • awaiting attendance confirmation
  • attendance confirmed
  • attendance confirmation not required
  • attendance saved
  • awaiting reassessment

Attendance Code

This is the attendance code you've confirmed for the student:

  • A – in attendance or, after reassessment, that you agree with the change
  • C – course mismatch
  • F – the student is in attendance but you disagree with the fee
  • L – the student is in attendance, the liability is disputed but you will resolve
  • N – the student is in attendance, the liability is disputed but you will not resolve
  • S – suspended
  • X – not in attendance

Award Authority

The name of the award authority processing the student’s support application.

Student Bursary Consent to Share

This is a dropdown to filter on the students who have or have not given consent to share for bursary purposes.

Sponsor Bursary Consent to Share

This is a dropdown to filter on the students whose sponsors have given consent to share for bursary purposes. If there are 2 sponsors this will only show as yes if both have given consent to share.

Childcare Grant Indicator

This shows whether the student has applied for a Childcare Grant (yes or no).

NHS Bursary Indicator

This shows whether the student has applied for an NHS Bursary.

Cohort Year

The year in which a student is assessed for a period of continuous study.

Application Status

The status of the student’s application:

  • approved
  • approved awaiting signature


These additional fields may not be populated for all students. For example, Bursary Consent, Childcare Grant Indicator, NHS Bursary Indicator and Cohort Year will be blank for Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) students.

You may want to export specific attendance records for your systems. To do this, select the Attendance Status option from the search, then select Filter and Export.

For example, you may only want to export blank attendance codes. In this case, select Awaiting Attendance Confirmation from the Attendance Status dropdown.

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