Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024

Student information

Confirming attendance from the Detailed Student Information page

We recommend that you use the attendance worklist under the Attendance section of SIS to confirm attendance. However, you can also do this from the Detailed Student Information page.

You'll need Attendance Administrator access to confirm attendance.

You should only confirm attendance for students after you've registered them with the appropriate awarding body.

The Attendance section of the Detailed Student Information page lets you:

  • confirm student attendance
  • reverse a negative attendance code for any outstanding tuition periods
  • see the latest attendance status for each tuition period

The Attendance section is split between the 3 liability periods and will show the following fields.


Liability period


Course location

Course Year

TFL Amount – Tuition Fee Loan amount

TFG Amount – Tuition Fee Grant amount

TFW Amount – Tuition Fee Waiver amount

STP Amount – student to pay amount

Attendance Status the attendance status of the student:

  • awaiting attendance confirmation
  • attendance saved
  • attendance required
  • attendance confirmation not required

Last Updated By – the username of the person who made the last update (this will say 'SYSTEM' if it was a system action)

Last Updated Date/Time – the time and date stamp of the last action for audit purposes

Attendance code – this shows any attendance codes you've submitted for the student earlier in the current academic year


If the student needs an attendance confirmation, you'll see a dropdown filter in the Attendance Code column of the relevant liability period. This will be set to Select as a default.

  1. To confirm attendance, select the appropriate code from the Attendance Code dropdown.

  2. Select Submit if you want to submit the attendance confirmation right away.

  3. Select Save if you want to come back to the page and submit the attendance confirmation later.

The Save and Submit buttons will only become active once you've selected an attendance code.

Once you've submitted a student’s attendance confirmation, their status will change to Attendance Confirmed and they'll disappear from the attendance worklist. If you submitted attendance for the first liability period, they'll also disappear from the combined worklist.

If you submit a positive attendance code, this will appear in the Attendance Code column and you'll no longer be able to edit it. If you've made an error, you'll need to submit a Change of Circumstance notification (CoC) to correct it.

If you submit a negative code, this will appear in the Attendance Code column, but the dropdown will still be active so you can reverse it if you need to.

  1. To reverse a negative attendance code, select a positive code from the Attendance Code dropdown.

  2. Select Submit if you want to submit the positive attendance confirmation right away.

  3. Select Save if you want to come back to the page and submit the positive attendance confirmation later.

If you save an attendance confirmation but do not submit it, the saved code will appear in the Attendance Code column along with the dropdown option to amend it. The Submit button will become active. Select this to submit the confirmation when you're ready.

If a student does not need an attendance confirmation, the Attendance Code column will be blank. This might be because it is too early for the student to appear on the attendance worklist. This column will also be blank for liability periods 2 and 3 for part-time students, as they only need an attendance confirmation in the first liability period.

Sometimes, we need to reassess a student’s application and this affects a previous liability period. In this case, you may need to enter an attendance code for 2 liability periods at the same time.

The system will not let you submit an attendance code for the later liability period until you've submitted one for the earlier period. If you've only saved the code for a previous liability period, the system will consider it outstanding.

If you try to submit an attendance confirmation when there is an outstanding confirmation for an earlier liability period, you'll get an error message:

'The attendance code for the selected period cannot be submitted without submitting a code for all outstanding periods.'

You'll also see a warning when you submit attendance codes:

'Please ensure that any attendance codes are correct.'

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