Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024

Student information

Course search

The list below shows the criteria you can use on the Course Search tab.

Academic Year

This defaults to the current academic year and is the only mandatory field you need to run a search.

Application Status

The application status of the students you're searching for. The options are Approved or Approved Awaiting Signature.

Course Name

You can enter up to 41 characters and use a wildcard search. For this, you must enter at least 3 characters along with the wildcard symbol (%).

SLC Course Code

The unique course identifier.

UCAS Course Code

As provided by UCAS.

Course Start Date

The date when the course starts. You should enter this in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Method of Attendance

A dropdown with a choice of attendance methods.


A dropdown with a choice of qualifications.


A dropdown with a choice of campus locations.

Course Type

A dropdown with a choice of course types.

Course Status

A dropdown that lets you search for open or closed courses.

Course Fee Rate

Enter the full course fee rate you're charging in this field.

Current Attendance Status

The attendance status of the students you're searching for.

Registration Status

The registration status of the students you're searching for.

Current Year Start Date From/To

This field lets you filter on the current year start date of part-time students. You cannot use it if you set the Mode of Study field to FT (full-time).

Number of Records to Display

The number of search results per page. The default is 25, but you can change it to 50, 100 or 200.

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