Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 30 Jul 2024

Student information

Confirming registration from the Detailed Student Information page

We recommend that you use the registration worklist under the Registration section of SIS to confirm registration. However, you can also do this from the Detailed Student Information page.

You'll need Registration Administrator access to confirm registration.

Students will need registration confirmation when:

  • it is within 30 days of the start of their course
  • they're on the registration worklist
  • their application is approved or approved awaiting signature
  • you have not yet confirmed their registration

A registration confirmation will only trigger payment when the application is approved.

  1. To confirm registration from the Detailed Student Information page, go to the Registration Confirmation dropdown.

  2. Select Yes or No from the dropdown.

  3. Select Submit.

A screenshot of the registration confirmation dropdown in SIS

The Submit button will only become active once you've selected Yes or No.

If you select Yes, this will confirm the student as registered. They'll disappear from the registration worklist and their registration status will change to Registration Confirmed.

Selecting No will also remove the student from the registration worklist, but their registration status will change to Registration Not Required. Students with this status will not appear on any future attendance worklists. You should use this option for students who fail to appear at the start of a course.

If you confirm a student as not registered, you can change this later.

  1. Go back to the student's detailed information.

  2. Select Yes in the Registration Confirmation dropdown.

  3. Select Submit.

If you confirm a student as registered, you'll no longer see the dropdown and cannot reverse this action.

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