Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024

Student information

Filter and display results

Once you've entered your search criteria, select the Filter and Display Results button to search all student details in the system. The search will retrieve those that match your criteria.

If you're signed in as a parent higher education provider (HEP), the search will return the details of all students at your university or college, as well as any associated child HEPs. If you're signed in as a child HEP, the system will return the details of all students at your university or college only.

The search results will appear in the bottom section of the page. They'll be ordered by surname.

The list below shows the fields you'll see for each student record.


Student Support Number. This also acts as a link to the View Detailed Student Information page for the selected student.

Full Name         

The student’s name.

Date of Birth    

The student’s date of birth.

Course Name   

The student’s course name.

SLC Course Code / UCAS Course Code   

The SLC and UCAS course codes.

TFL (Tuition Fee Loan Amount) 

The tuition fee loan amount that the student has been awarded.

TFG (Tuition Fee Grant Amount)            

The tuition fee grant amount that the student has been awarded.

TFW (Tuition Fee Waiver Amount)         

The tuition fee waiver amount that the student has been awarded.

STP (Student to Pay)     

The tuition fee amount that the student must pay.

Current Attendance Code          

The attendance code entered for the student.

Current Attendance Status        

The attendance status of the student.

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