Version 0.1 - Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023

Registration confirmation

Registration import results

The file import results will tell you if your file has passed validation and if any errors need correction.

  1. Go to the Registration Home page and select Registration Import Results.

  2. This will take you to the Registration Import Results Filter. Use the filter options here to find the registration import file you need.

    The Academic Year is the only mandatory field you need to run a search.

    The HEI Code defaults to the code of your university or college.

    The Date From and Date To fields default to the previous day. You can overtype these with the dates you need.

    The File Import Status field lets you search for files that have either failed validation, been successful or are still processing. It is set to Failed as a default.

    A screenshot of the registration import results filter in SIS.

  3. Once you've set the filter options, select Filter.

  4. This will bring up a list of all submitted registration import files. The list shows the filename, the import date, the academic year the file relates to and the file status.

A screenshot of the registration import results filter results page in SIS.

The filenames in this list act as hyperlinks. Select a filename to view the details of the records in that file.

If a file did not successfully upload, you can find its details in the Import Error Details section of the results page.

Errors on the file will show:

  • the row number in the file where the error appears
  • the Student Support Number (SSN) from the original entry in the imported file; this will be blank if the error is in the header row or any other row without an SSN
  • the error type – file format error or business rules error
  • the error details – select Export Results to export error details; you can then review and correct them and resubmit the file or manually confirm the registrations

A screenshot of the registration confirmation file import results after a failed file import.

When you submit the file, you'll see one of 3 file import statuses on the Import Results page.

Awaiting Processing      

The file has been uploaded and is awaiting processing. Once the system finishes processing it, the status will update to Failed or Successful.

Processing with Error   

The file is in processing but will fail. The status will update to Failed once the system finishes processing it.

Out of Sequence            

You should only see this in exceptional circumstances. If you ever see this status, please report it immediately to our Partners Support Desk.

Error details

Once you've submitted a file, any processed errors will appear in the Import Error Details section of the page. The list below shows the different error types and descriptions.

The format of the file does not match that expected

The file must have a header record at the beginning. It can only have one header record.

The header record must be 15 characters long and:

  • start with 'HH', (characters 1 and 2)
  • contain a numeric academic year (characters 3 and 4)
  • end with 'CR' (characters 14 and 15)

You do not have access to import a file for the HEI code specified in the header record

The HEI code in the file header must belong to your university or college, or its child.             

The format of the file does not match that expected

The file must have a footer record at the end. It can only have one footer record.

The footer record must be 8 characters long and start with 'TT' (characters 1 and 2).            

The number of records in the file footer does not agree with the details in the file

The number of records specified in the file footer must be the same as the number of detail records in the file.

This student cannot be matched

The Student Support Number (SSN) you've provided must match the one in the system.  

Confirmation is not required for this student

Students in the file must need confirmation.      

Confirmation has already been submitted for this student

You can only submit confirmation once.

Confirmation is not yet due for this student. Please check the appropriate worklist for currently outstanding confirmations

Students must be available for registration confirmation. You can submit this 30 days before the course start date at the earliest.

Manual registration functionality is not available for your institution

You can only submit manual registration confirmations for publicly funded providers.

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