Version 0.1 - Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023

Change of circumstances

View CoC import results

After you've uploaded the CoC file and SIS has processed it, it will appear on the CoC CSV Import Results page. You can open this page from the CoC Home menu.

The results page will show the success and failure counts for the records in the file. Any files that have failed to upload properly will have '1' in the Failed Count column.

A screenshot of the CoC csv import results option in the CoC Home menu in SIS.

CoC csv import – validation

Initial validation

When you upload your CoC file, our system will perform multiple checks. If a CoC record fails any of these validations, the system will not import it.

There are 2 messages that can appear on the Import CoC page. If you see either of these, you should review the file you're trying to upload.

This file has already been submitted. Please select another file.

You'll get this message if the same file has been uploaded in the last 28 days.

The Student Information Service element does not meet the specified format. Please update the file and resubmit.

You'll get this message if the headers are not in the correct format.

Secondary validation

If the file passes the first round of validation, SIS will import it and run the second round of validation.

If a CoC record fails any of these validations, the system will not save it. The results of this check will appear on the Import Results Summary page.

There are 5 reasons why a file can fail validation at this stage.

The selected file includes forbidden characters (< # \). Please update the file and re-submit.

You'll get this error message if the file includes a forbidden character.

Cannot create the COCs for HEI <<HEI CODE>> using bulk CSV upload. Please review.

You'll get this error message if your university or college does not have permission to create CoCs using the bulk csv process. If you need more information about this, please email

This record has exceeded the maximum allowable rows for CoC bulk submission. Please review.

You'll get this error message if the file holds more than 50 records.

Invalid CoC Types in File. Please review.

You'll get this error message if the CoCs in the file are invalid.

Maximum Number of Records Exceeded, Invalid CoC Types in File. Please review.

You'll get this error message if all the records in the file have an invalid CoC type and there are more than 50 records.

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