Version 0.1 - Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023

Change of circumstances

CoC csv import

The previous chapters explained how to submit Change of Circumstance notifications (CoCs) manually on SIS.

This works well for individual students and smaller groups. You'll also need to use that method for postgraduate students.

However, if you have many undergraduate students who need CoCs, you may want to submit these in bulk instead.

You can do this by uploading a csv file into SIS. A CoC file import will let you submit CoCs for:

  • suspension
  • resumption
  • withdrawal
  • transfer
  • repetition
  • credit
  • fee revision

You must first create a csv file with the relevant CoC information. You can find instructions on how to create the file in the CoC CSV Bulk Upload Technical Specification. If you need a copy of this please email

The file encoding must be UTF-8, no other variation.

The records of your csv file should be ~ separated for each data item. A file submitted through the CoC Import page must contain a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 1,000 CoCs. There is no limit to the number of files you can submit.

The headers in the file will differ depending on the CoC type you want to import. For example, a file uploading a list of Withdrawal CoCs will need to include the following headers:

  • CoC type
  • HEI code
  • academic year
  • SLC course code
  • UCAS course code
  • actual course year
  • other course year
  • tuition fee charged
  • tuition fee liability
  • date of last attendance
  • withdrawal reason
  • further explanation

For the exact header names, formats and further information please see the CoC CSV Bulk Upload Technical Specification.

  1. Once you have the csv file ready, go to the SIS Home page and select CoC Home.

  2. Select Import CoC.

    A screenshot of the CoC menu open at import CoC.

  3. Select Browse to find the file you want to upload.

  4. Use the radio buttons to select your username from the list under Contact Details.

  5. Select Submit to import the file.

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