Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 12 Jun 2024

Creating courses

Updating course details for a new academic year

When you select the Courses tab on CMS, the page will always default to the most recent academic year. You can use the academic year tabs to navigate to previous years.

In each new academic year, we'll automatically copy your previous year’s course catalogue into the new year. The courses will show as Unsaved and in a worklist format.

Before you save each course, you should always check that all of the details are accurate.

The course list will show 2 totals:

  • the number of Total Courses
  • the number of Unsaved Courses

Once you save a course, the Unsaved Courses total at the top of the course list will decrease to show the number of unsaved courses remaining.

To make the process easier, you can use the course search to filter on a specific subset of courses. This search will persist so you can work down a list of filtered courses, saving them individually and then returning to the filtered list without having to search again.

You can set preferences to help with term dates when you save courses for the next academic year. User preferences work on a month-to-month match. Let’s say you roll over a course and its start month matches a start month of a previous course you've saved. The system will fill in the date, month and year from your previously saved course.

If the start month of the course you're rolling over does not match that of a previously saved course, CMS will fill in the months and years based on last year's course details The date fields will remain blank for you to complete.

If you have a course set up with multiple intakes, the system may fill in the term dates for some intakes if you've already saved a course with the same start month. However, you may need to enter the dates for other intakes if you have not yet saved a course with the same start month as that intake.

Course fee rates will always default to your provider fee cap. If a specific course year has a placement attribute and you manually enter a placement fee, the system will automatically use the same value in all further courses that have the placement attribute. This placement value will persist until you manually overtype it. Once you do, the new placement fee will become the default value for all unsaved courses with a placement attribute.

When you roll over a course from a previous academic year, the system will save a timestamp for the rollover confirmation, along with your username. It will also save this information when you set up a new course. The timestamp and username will appear below the academic year section of the course details.

Postgraduate Courses

Unlike undergraduate students who need to submit an application for every year of study, postgraduate students only need to apply once, regardless of their course duration. The course needs to be available on CMS for the full duration.

In each new academic year, we'll automatically copy your previous year's course catalogue into the new year. The courses will show as 'unsaved' and in a worklist format.

You need to save your postgraduate courses each year, so they are available for continuing students.

If you do not need the course for new students, you can set the available course years to 'no students'. This will prevent new applications while making sure your continuing students receive their funding.

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