Version 0.1 - Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023

Financial reporting

Tuition fee balance report

You'll need SIS Report Advisor access to view this report.

  1. Go to the SIS Home page and select Financial Reports.

  2. From the Financial Reports submenu, select Tuition Fee Balance Report.

The data in this report includes students whose:

  • attendance has been confirmed
  • tuition fee payment has been scheduled or paid

Our customer accounting system will create the data once a week on Wednesday night. Once it has created the data, it will send it to SIS.

The report shows a pie chart of your tuition fee breakdown, summary and overpayments for a specific academic year. A colour key appears under the pie chart. The report also shows the same information in a table.

An image of the tuition fee balance report in SIS, financial reporting. The section headers: Tuition fee summary, tuition fee breakdown and overpayments are highlighted with red boxes.

The report will cover the current academic year if there have been any tuition fees for that period.

If data is not available for the academic year, you'll get a message saying, ‘No tuition fee details are available for the selected academic year’.

You can view the report for a different academic year, or for specific students only. The filter options appear above the report:

  • academic year
  • mode of study
  • course level

Tuition Fee Summary

The Tuition Fee Summary table shows:

  • the total value of tuition fees we expect to pay you for the selected academic year
  • the total number of expected students
  • the total number of students associated with temporary courses for the latest report date

Tuition Fee Breakdown

The Tuition Fee Breakdown table shows the breakdown of Total Value of Fees Expected to be Paid. It includes categories with calculated values and percentages:

  • student attendance not confirmed
  • student attendance confirmed (payments scheduled)
  • students awaiting reassessment
  • blocked fee payments
  • fees paid

The totals of these amounts appear at the bottom of the table.


The Overpayments table includes a row for each academic year when we've made an overpayment to you. It also includes the value of the overpayments.

The footer of the table will include the message, ‘Overpayment of £X will be deducted from the payment amount scheduled above’. Here, X is the sum of your recovery amounts for all academic years.