Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 12 Jun 2024
Creating courses
Courses to support DSA applications
If you have a DSA only course on CMS in academic year 2021/22, you no longer need to roll this course over. The system will automatically generate one for you instead. This'll happen every year from academic year 2022/23.
You will not see this new DSA only course in your course listing. It will sit behind the scenes available for DSA only students to be linked to.
If you did not previously have a DSA only course and need one, email our Partners Support Desk and ask us to add one for you.
The only exception to the above would be for Northern Ireland students studying Undergraduate Part Time or Postgraduate courses and applying for DSA only.
To ensure that their application is sent to the correct Education Authority the relevant course must be created.
These courses are only required as and when you have a DSA Only Northern Irish student studying Undergradate Part Time or Postgraduate.
You must ensure the courses are set up with the following details -
Course details
Funding level: Undergraduate/Postgraduate (as applicable)
Study mode: Full-Time (PG Only) or Part-Time as applicable
Name of course: DSA Designated
Qualification: Postgraduate ITT with QTS for UG or Taught Masters for PG
Duration: 1
HECOS code: 101274 – General Studies
Location: Main campus
Domicile: Northern Ireland (no other domiciles should be ticked)
The location should be the primary location for your university or college. The course fee should be your provider fee cap. For term dates, enter your most common term dates.
Any Northern Irish students seeking DSA only funding for a Full Time Undergraduate course will link and be assessed on the background generic course so you are not required to create one.