Version 0.1 - Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023

Registration confirmation

Registration confirmation export

The previous chapters of this guide explained how to confirm registration manually on SIS. This works well for individual students and smaller groups. If you have many students, you may want to submit the confirmations in bulk instead.

To do this, you should first export the registration worklist file from SIS. You can then add your confirmations and import the file back into SIS to update all student records at once.

  1. Go to the Registration Worklist page and run a search to find the students whose registration you want to confirm.

    A screenshot of the registration worklist results page in SIS with the filter and export results button.

  2. Once you have your search results, select Filter and Export Results. This will open the Student Information Export page.

    A screenshot of the student information export page in SIS.

  3. Select the Registration Confirmation Report radio button. The filename will default to Registration Confirmation Report. You can overtype this with another filename if you like.

  4. Select Export Results to export the file or select Cancel to return to the registration worklist.

The exported file will only include the details of the students who came up in your search and whose registration you need to confirm.

From academic year 2018/19, the file has a Credits field for Part-Time Maintenance Loan students. When you confirm registration for Part-Time Maintenance Loan students, you also confirm that the correct credits are showing for that academic year.

You can find the full details of the format of this file in the Attendance and Student Information Import and Export Files Technical Specification. If you need a copy, please email