Version 0.1 - Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023

Withdrawal CoC

Withdrawal – reducing the tuition fee charged

When a student withdraws, our system will limit the amount you can charge them to 25%, 50% or 100% of their full tuition fee. This amount depends on the effective date of the withdrawal.

In some cases you may want to charge the student less than the full amount they owe for their time in study. To do this, enter the value that you want to charge in the Tuition Fee Charged to Student field. Our system will then charge that exact amount.

You should also include a note with the CoC to say you're knowingly charging a lower fee. This will  ensure our processing teams can understand your request.

Example 1

A student has been marked in attendance for term 1. They've only attended 4 weeks of term 1 but now want to withdraw. Their full academic year tuition fee is £9,250.

You can receive 25% of the full year’s tuition fee for this student, but you only want to charge the student £1000 since they have not attended the whole term.

If you enter the full academic year tuition fee in the Tuition Fee Charged to Student and Course Tuition Fee Liability fields, the system will automatically charge the student 25% of this fee (£2,312.50). However, if you enter £1000 in these fields, the system will only charge the student £1000.

Example 2

A student has attended most of the academic year but withdraws before the end of the year. 

The student has attended some of term 3, so you can receive the full year's tuition fee for them. However, you only want to charge them 80% of this.  

You should enter £7400 (80% of the full fee of £9250) in the Tuition Fee Charged to Student and Course Tuition Fee Liability fields. Since the student has attended the 3 terms, our system will charge the full value in these fields.