Version 1.0 - Last Updated: 25 Oct 2023


NHS Bursary

This indicator is only available for undergraduate courses.

You cannot use the NHS Bursary indicator at the same time as the Medicine/Dentistry attribute. If the course leads to qualification as a doctor or dentist, you must select the Medicine/Dentistry attribute instead. Do not select the NHS Bursary attribute as your students may receive incorrect funding.

You should not apply the NHS bursary attribute to nursing, midwifery, and allied health profession (AHP) courses in England from the 2017/18 academic year. You should give these courses the pre-registration attribute instead.

The NHS bursary attribute is still applicable to courses in Wales.

When you select the NHS Bursary attribute against a full-time course, you must also select the years the bursary applies to. You can do this in the Academic Year section labelled NHS Bursary Years. If you select this attribute when setting up a part-time course, it will apply to the whole course.

We assess students based on how the course is set up in CMS. It’s critical you set up appropriate courses with the NHS Bursary attribute and set this against the relevant course years.